About 4048
"2024 publishing was born in 2010 on a carefree day. If we try to summarize in a few intelligible statements what still drives us, it comes down to creating a catalog of illustrated books and comics, supporting consistent author projects, and taking great care in the bookmaking process. Our hearts beat first for young talented authors like Sophie Guerrive, Simon Roussin, Matthias Picard... but we also love, from time to time, to bring to light some masterpieces from the illustration heritage. We also regularly create stunning exhibitions that extend the universe of our books.
For us, 2019 marked the beginning of a new adventure with the creation of our children's book imprint: 4048!
And in 2024? By then, the Earth will probably explode, and our books—bright meteors—will be scattered across the Milky Way... a glorious fate!
UPDATE, January 2025: Clearly, the Earth hasn’t exploded. A little disappointed (but somewhat relieved, too), we acknowledge this unexpected paradigm and contemplate the infinite horizon ahead… 2024 is over: what now? Books? That’s probably the only thing that truly matters. We just need to find a new name that sounds right, a name that promises a future even more beautiful than the 14 years we’ve already spent together.
The brainstorming is intense, bold, and exhilarating: we finish it by the end of the night, carefully protecting, like a treasure, the worn-out draft where, highlighted in pink among countless scribbles, stands our new banner:
Welcome to Editions 2042! 2042, like a great Club of Friends: a refuge to face the future, and the promise of 18 years of good company."
Their children's imprint name remains 4048!
Their books awarded in Bologna and Angoulême:
Alyte, Jérémie Moreau: 2025 Bologna Ragazzi Awards Mention, Comics Middle-grade
Bienvenue à Bibiville / Welcome to Bibiville, Éponine Cottey: 2022 Bologna Ragazzi Award, Comics, Early Readers
Le Roi de la lune / The King of the Moon, Donatien Mary & Bérengère Cournut: 2020 Bologna Ragazzi Award Mention, Fiction
Le Club des Amis / The Friends Club, Sophie Guerrive: 2021 Angoulême "fauve" award
Guide de survie dans la jungle / The Jungle Survival Guide, Hao Shuo: 2020 Bologna Ragazzi Award, Opera Prima
Original publication language: French
Rights represented worldwide