author/illustrator: Audrey Boehly, Lou Rihn
ages: 4+
32 pages
21 x 27.5 cm
Have We Reached the Limits?
Lead the investigation for a planet habitable for all.
An interactive title to raise children’s awareness of the planet’s limits.
On 8 October 2021, the United Nations recognised a new fundamental right for all human beings: the right to a «clean, healthy and sustainable environment».
The planet's limits have been classified in 9 areas: water, the disappearance of species, chemical pollution, etc. Some of them have already been exceeded. So why don’t we learn to know and respect the planet’s limits?
+ For the first time, the subject of the nine planetary limits is tackled in a highly educational and entertaining way in a documentary for children.
+ This investigative documentary is aimed at all children who wonder about the future of our planet and who would like to have arguments to make their voices heard and ideas for concrete actions to take, at their own level.
+ A reading in the form of an investigation to be carried out in familiar environments: forest, sea, countryside, town, transport, mountains.
- In the same series: All Free and Equal? by Lola Boudreaux and Justine Duhé
Audrey Boehly studied engineering and is a science journalist specialising in environmental issues. After working for renowned Sciences et Avenir magazine, she specialised in the issue of planetary limits. She is the author of the podcast Dernières Limites (Last Limites) devoted to this topic, 3-star reviewed in prestigious cultura magazine Télérama. She lives in Paris.
Lou Rihn is a graduate of the École Estienne and the Beaux-Arts in Strasbourg. He applies his unique style to his comics, publishing projects and illustrative work. He has published several non-fiction titles at La Martinière Jeunesse and lives in Paris.