author / illustrator: Nane Vézinet, Jean-Luc Vézinet & Rolande Causse / Nesseldë
ages: 9+
96 pages
17 x 24.5 cm
Les Éditions des Éléphants
Tales of Seas and Oceans
A collection of eleven traditional tales from a variety of cultures to immerse you into an enchanting sea world.
Telling stories of shipwrecked men, whales, seal women, unlucky fishermen, undines and mermaids, these eleven traditional tales take us on a fabulous trip from Canada to Japan, via Chile, Iceland, the Marquesas Islands... The poetic illustrations by young illustrator Nesseldë take us, little by little, from a familiar world to a world filled with mystery and strangeness.
A new wonder in this tales series.
In the same series:
Same authors, ill. by Marc Daniau - 76 pp› TROT, GALLOP, TALES OF HORSES
Same authors, ill. by Barroux - 80 pp› TALES OF THE CHINESE PEOPLE
Guillaume Olive, He Zhihong - 96 pp› TALES OF BAÏKA, from Brazil to Japan
96 pp› TALES OF BAÏKA, From Korea to Senegal
112 pp