About Tra
Tra publishing creates beautifully crafted books that celebrate art in all its forms, as well as its creators. Tra works closely and often collaboratively with artists and writers to create books about fine and decorative arts, architecture, and design that inspire social, cultural and environmental awardeness. Tra was founded in 2016 in Miam by Swiss-born graphic designer Ilona Oppenheim and started their children's list in 2020 with bestselling picture book "And the People Stayed Home". They are distributed by Simon and Schuster.
Shorlisted for Bologna Prize 2025 for the Best Children's Publishers of the Year
Their small list already includes awarded books, such as:
The Rare, Tiny Flower by Kitty O'Meara and Quim Torres
New York Big Book Award
2023 BRAW Amazing Bookshelf (Bologna Book Fair)
Cover art finalist of the World Illustration Award
D-Pictus 100 OUTSTANDING PICTURE BOOKS (2023 Bologna Book Fair)
Octopuses Have Zero Bones by Anne Richardson and Andrea Antinori
Smithsonian Magazine Best Books of 2022
Original publication language: English
Rights represented worldwide except for English in the USA and the UK.